My goodness the tomatoes are coming along enthusiastically this year!
The great tomato experiment is having a wildly successful growing season and we're excited about how well the plants are producing. We have had tons of Nicholayev Yellow Cherry tomatoes and the Sasha Altai and are now starting to look seriously at salsa as a meal option.

Last week our Azoychka's started to ripen up and the first of the Zefen Shorts have also turned pink and ready to eat.
Azoychka's are large, bright yellow tomatoes that taste great and are low acid. Its not as sweet as the Nicholayev's, but it is very good as a sliced tomato.
We'll make a salsa out of it tomorrow and let you know how it tastes.
This one is small, but the others are much larger. This is a vining tomato and it is covered in them. They scare us a little bit, in truth.

The Zefen Shorts are large, pink when ripe and very good.
Yeah, that's an apple on the right. The tomato does not get bright red, but a soft blush color.

Zefen Shorts are a more acidic than the others so far, with a nice tomatoey flavor and we look forward to trying some sauces with these.
The plant is covered with tons of fat, large Zefens, so we shouldn't be short on sauce this year.
I think I put a few out in the flower bed, just in case we didn't get many tomotoes from a plant, so we may be up to our armpits in them soon.
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